University of Mary Students at the Eucharistic Congress procession

Exalting the Mystery of Faith

This summer, students, faculty, and staff of the University of Mary joined parishioners of the Diocese of Bismarck on a pilgrimage to the 10th National Eucharistic Congress, held from July 17–21, 2024 at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our president, Monsignor James Shea, delivered a rousing address on the main stage; two friends of the university, Ken and Mary Ann Duppong, told the moving life story of their daughter, Servant of God Michelle Duppong; and those members of our community who attended returned to Bismarck with a new zeal for Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. 

The closing of July’s Congress inaugurated the third year of the National Eucharistic Revival — the Year of Mission. We at the University of Mary remain as committed as ever to our core tasks of service and evangelization as well as the spread of both the Revival and devotion to Jesus in the Eucharist.

Monsignor James Shea President, University of Mary

It’s time for faithful Catholics to stop trying to live for God. Instead, we should start living from Him. The Body and Blood of the Lord is the source of our life, our energy, our joy. So let’s eat and drink here and every day to our heart’s content, and then let’s rush out into a starving world and tell everybody we meet, ‘Starving people, listen! We found where the food is!’

From Monsignor James Shea’s speech at the 10th National Eucharistic Congress

Watch Monsignor Shea’s Speech at the 10th National Eucharistic Congress

On July 18th, 2024, University of Mary President Monsignor James Shea spoke before an audience of over 50,000 Catholics from across the country and beyond at the 10th National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis, Indiana. Click the link below to listen to his remarks on the beauty and power of the Holy Eucharist, the Source and Summit of the Christian faith.

Servant of God Michelle Duppong

Born and raised in Haymarsh, North Dakota, Michelle Duppong joined the Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS) after earning her bachelor’s degree in horticulture from North Dakota State University in 2006. Over the next six years, Michelle mentored hundreds of students at numerous colleges and universities, including the University of Mary. Tragedy struck when she was diagnosed with cancer on December 29, 2014, two years after being appointed Director of Adult Faith Formation for the Diocese of Bismarck. From the day of her diagnosis to the hour of her death on December 25, 2015, Michelle exhibited the perseverance, patience, and courage of a true friend of God.

Initiatives and Resources

Fra Angelico San Marco Altarpiece painting

Renewing Minds

Prime Matters, an educational outreach project of the University of Mary, offers a faithfully Christian, joyfully Catholic, and gratefully Benedictine perspective on both perennial questions and contemporary debates.

Fortifying Hearts

To support the advancement of the National Eucharistic Revival, Cappella, the University of Mary’s scholarshipped chapel choir, commissioned one devotional work each from world-renowned composers Michael John Trotter and Philip Stopford.

Religion of the Day Cover Art

Equipping Saints

From Christendom to Apostolic Mission and The Religion of the Day analyze the unique character of our post-Christian historical moment and outline strategies for awakening a weary world to the Catholic vision of reality.

High school students visiting the tomb of Carlo Acutis.

ND High School Pilgrims to Appear in Roadmap to Reality: Carlo Acutis and Our Digital Age

In June 2024, a videographer from Seattle's Castletown Media accompanied a group of 152 students from the Diocese of Bismarck’s high schools on a 10-day pilgrimage in Rome organized by the University of Mary. He documented their journey to the Eternal City and captured their stop in Assisi, where they knelt at the tomb of soon-to-be-canonized “saint for our times” Blessed Carlo Acutis.

Professional woman working on her laptop at desk with crucifix on wall behind her

Leading the Way in Online Catholic Education

A longtime innovator in online education for working adults, the University of Mary leads the nation’s Catholic colleges and universities in number of graduate programs endorsed by the Cardinal Newman Society in The Newman Guide.