Alexander Mains, MEd

- Assistant Professor of Education
- Director of Secondary Education
About Me
As the director of the secondary education program, I have the opportunity to work with prospective middle school and high school educators to help them grow in their skills and develop a love of learning for their future students. I work within eight different subject areas for my program, teaching various methods courses and education courses and visiting practicum schools where my future educators observe classroom teachers and practice teaching their lessons to real students.
Why I’m At MarySecondary educators hear the question: When will I use this in the real world? At the University of Mary, we strive to genuinely answer this question for our students. It is here I have learned each subject helps us grow closer to God, and I get to help students grow closer to Him in each class I teach.
I taught mathematics for five years at Mandan High School and then taught mathematics for three years at the University of Mary. For those three years, I began teaching prospective elementary and secondary educators how to grow a love of learning math for future students. As the secondary education program director, I now get to do this for multiple subjects.
MEd (Educational Leadership): NDSU, 2018
BS (Secondary Math Education): Miami University