Faculty & Staff Directory

Showing 319 results

Mark Haugen

Senior Student Success Advisor

Academic Support

Jerika Hayes, MS

Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, Assistant Professor of Computer Engineering, Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Hamm School of Engineering

Brittany Hernandez, MS

Director of Clinical Education in Speech-Language Pathology, Speech-Language Pathology Clinical Supervisor

Saint Gianna School of Health Sciences

Marion E. Hernandez

Coordinator of Enrollment and Partnerships, Assistant Coach for Men's and Women's Golf

Athletics, Enrollment Services

Jason Hogan, DS

Assistant Professor of Physical Therapy, Director of Research, Postural Restoration Certified Physical Therapist

Saint Gianna School of Health Sciences

Amy Hollar, MA

Assistant Professor of Communication, Internship Coordinator

School of Arts & Sciences

Lisa Holter, MA

Director of Graduate Counseling Program, Assistant Professor of Counseling

Liffrig Family School of Education and Behavioral Sciences

Tara Hovda, MSN

Assistant Professor of Nursing

Saint Gianna School of Health Sciences

Dan Huntley

Senior Associate Director of Athletics, Head Men's Hockey Coach
